The Ohio Department of Commerce Division of State Fire Marshal (SFM) is pleased to announce the availability of grant funding in State Fiscal Year (SFY)
for eligible recipients to purchase systems, equipment, and/or services that are a part of, integrated into, or otherwise interoperable with the
Multi-Agency Radio Communication System (MARCS) operated by the State of Ohio with respect to providing fire protection services. The State Fire Marshal is
accepting online applications only. The MARCS Grant application packet is being provided as a worksheet guidance document. This will allow you to gather all of the necessary information prior to submitting the grant online.
The Ohio Department of Commerce Division of State Fire Marshal (SFM) is pleased to announce the availability of
Fire Department Individual and Joint Equipment Grant for qualifying fire departments and local government entities.
Allowable equipment grant requests include personal protective clothing, SCBA, communications equipment and other
miscellaneous equipment. Eligible fire departments must serve a population of less than 25,000, be in compliance
with the Volunteer Firefighters’ Dependents Fund outlined in Ohio Revised Code 146, and have submitted incident
fire reports for the previous calendar year. The State Fire Marshal is accepting Individual and Joint Equipment Grant
applications online only. The Fire Department Equipment Grant application packets are being provided
as a worksheet guidance document (Individual and Joint) only. This will allow you to gather all of
the necessary information prior to submitting the grants online. Grant award notifications up to $15,000 will be made in the spring.
The Ohio Department of Commerce Division of State Fire Marshal is pleased to announce we are now accepting electronic applications for the Fire Department Training Reimbursement Grant for eligible classes completed in calendar year
Fire Departments that provide primary fire protection to an area with a permanent population of 25,000 or less qualify for the grant. Reimbursement is available for specific fire training classes,
including the cost of training manuals and student workbooks up to the maximum amount that is authorized. Training grants awards are subject to availability of funds. Applications are available mid-December through mid-January annually.
The Fire Department Training Reimbursement grant application packet is being provided as a worksheet guidance document. This will allow you to gather all the necessary information prior to submitting the grants online.
The Small Government Fire Department Services Revolving Loan Program was created by the General Assembly to assist local governments in funding certain fire department major related expenses. A revolving loan can be used to expedite the purchase of major firefighting, rescue or EMS equipment. It can also be used for the construction or renovation of fire department buildings.