Permits In Safekeeping

This online service will allow you to obtain a list of retail liquor permit entities within the State of Ohio that are currently in safekeeping.

Section 4303.272 Of The Ohio Revised Code Provides:

Any permit holder whose permit premises are destroyed or made unusable for any cause, or whose tenancy is terminated for any cause, shall deliver his permit to the Department of Commerce - Division of Liquor Control for safekeeping until such time as the original permit premises are made available for occupancy or new premises are secured by the permit holder or until new premises are secured by the permit holder outside the precinct affected by a local option election.

Section 4301:1-1-16 Of The Ohio Administrative Code Provides:

If a permit holder is unable to conduct his permit business by reasons of illness or other physical disability for a period in excess of thirty days, or if a permit holder desires to discontinue the operation of his business for a period in excess of thirty days , he must notify the Division of Liquor Control by affidavit, or the affidavit of a majority of the officers or stockholders of the corporate permit holder, giving the reason for the request and specifying the period of time he wishes to remain closed.

Any closing authority shall not extend beyond one hundred eighty days, except for good cause. During the period of closing authority, the permit premises shall not be used for any other purpose. At the end of the closing authority period, the permit holder shall resume operation. If the permit holder is unable to resume operation and no extension has been granted, the Division of Liquor Control shall not again renew the permit. Non-compliance with the above provisions shall be grounds for suspension, revocation, or rejection of the permit.

Searching Instructions

Enter the known information and click the "Search" button. If you try to put too much information and it does not match exactly, the search will return a message "No records to display".

You may sort the information in ascending or descending order, by clicking on any of the column headers. If you would like to save your search results for further analysis, click on the image icons (one for Excel and one for CSV), located on the top-right corner of the results grid.

For best results, search only ONE criteria at a time. The data is refreshed every morning at 4:00 AM.

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